Gonna have to lock the gate
Charlotte spends the majority of her day in my office during the week. She adores Otis so wherever he goes, she’ll follow. I’ve kept the gate between my office and the hallway open so the pups can come and go as they please and Charlotte was blocked by the bottom bfast of the gate. Well… she figured out how to get over
. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sJM1ZW5tpng&feature=youtube_gdata_player
Eat all the puffs! !!
I found gluten free, organic, non-gmo puffs for Charlotte to snack on while her meals are being prepared. They are about the size of Cheerios but will melt in a baby’s mouth if it takes them too long to gum them; these are apple flavor.
Charlotte’s first haircut!!
Above…the before picture. We decided that since she just finished eating it was as good a time as any to trim her bangs.
She wasn’t very happy that she wound up with 2-3 inches cut off. But I wasn’t very happy either after watching her chubby little hands search her head daily in order to pull out her barrettes or ponytails.
It had to be done.
She quickly got used to her new style.
Even tried to take a picture of herself on her own.
Then I gave her a bath and decided to trim just a little bit more. ..it’ll grow back 🙂
A Day in the life
Charlotte decided that her first goal of the day was to reorganize all of my magazines that I put in a pile to read later.
Than after some intense playtime, she decided to relax a bit and watch a video, but it turns out that it was a ruse shop shw could practice her typing skills
She enjoyed a dinner of steak, quinoa and sweet potatoes, with a banana for dessert. Immediately followed by a dip in the tub.
Watch “Attempts to stand” on YouTube
Excuse the mess 🙂
9 months
It’s that time again…she’s 9 months old today and for comparison on how much she’s grown, I sat her on the recliner with the duck or chicken or whatever its supposed to be that Gran Gran gave her for Easter. I still can’t figure out what ot is but Charlotte loves it.
Charlotte has also decided that she will no longer sit still for her monthly photo shoot. I uploaded the pictures from my phone so they uploaded chronologically backwards. To get the full experience of her hamminess, start at the bottom and work your way up. Hahaha