Lysander 6/14 chatterbox jumperoo:
Lysander’s first chiropractic appointment
So, as you may have noticed but have been way too kind to mention, Zander had a strange tilt to his head due to his position during my pregnancy. It’s called torticullis. There are a few therapies for it, as well as a neck brace, and chiropractic seemed the best fit as I’m well aware of the benefits myself.
Here are some recent pictures where you can see the tilt:
Some pictures from his adjustment
look how straight his head is positioned!
He woke up this morning a completely happy baby. No strained sounds trying to push himself up, just happy coos and babbles.
Rice play! !! A/K/A what was I thinking!?!?!?!
While charlotte was napping, I was trying to think of things to do with her on this Memorial Day. The sensory bottle was a hit so I ventured into rice play.
Simple concept, big fun. Find a box, fill it with raw rice and some scooping toys and let the kid have at it.
Rice play 1:
I never felt such immediate regret as the moment when she discovered that not only could her chubby little hands scoop the rice….but also hurl it across the room.
Of course, I was distracted by taking pictures and video…so I thought I’d move her to the high chair with the rice.
Rice play 2:
I spread the rice all over the tray, gave her the toys…the toys hit the floor immediately and she then …well…you’ll see.
Rice play 3:
She let out the biggest laugh/squeal as I stopped filming due to the waterfall of rice hitting the floor and bounce off of Otis.
She had fun so it wasn’t so bad after all.