She lasted 5 minutes. It took longer to get to the beach from the car vs the amount of time we actually stayed.
17 months
Every picture here…think of 1/2 second -5 second time lapse video and you have a window into what it is like with these two.
I put Frozen or Tangled on because I figured I wouldn’t be able to keep her still enough for pictures while in her chair.
Then I decided to move them to the big recliner. I wasn’t going to put him on the chair until I got a few shots of her but she was climbing down before I could take any so on the chair he went.
The pictures are in sequence. They just don’t. Stop. Moving.
Where to begin. I swear some days he’s a little angel and then he gives this smirky smile and you’re like. ..aha! there is the rebel.
HIS HAIR. He’s the blonde version of Johnny Bravo. I’m so tempted to cut it but then we wouldn’t be bombarded with shrieks of amazement from complete strangers on his hair
He’s a hand chewer, lol
He’s really getting into the jumperoo
Every time you look at him, it’s as if he was waiting for you to do so.
Here he is playing on his mat..
Which is Charlotte’s new favorite toy by the way lol
A rare selfie of me and him.
Okay…maybe not so rare lol
A day in the life of Charlotte
So many discoveries today…she is getting so smart so quickly. She’s getting into everything and has mastered the weak cry that at first you think something is wrong until a few seconds later you realize she’s just testing out her emotions and seeing how you react.
This morning seems like it was days ago. She was up early which meant she took a mid morning nap…which then meant she was up when I was used to her napping in the afternoon so when she was getting overwhelming, I decided to grab a box, my whiteboard that I used and some expo markers and put her along with the markers and whiteboard in the box for a bit.
She then decided to see what her legs would look like green.
Then a delivery came. Charlotte was very excited to read all the books from Grampa Charlie
She watched her new favorite TV show, Yo Gabba Gabba, while made her dinner. She loves a certain part which features a performer named Biz Markie. Every episode features a celebrity and their talent. This episode, Biz taught the children how to beat box. Charlotte stops what she is doing and watches for the full minute. There is no interrupting her
After dinner, we went for a walk where she discovered the grass. She had a lot of fun. First, she sat on the edge then when she decided it was safe enough, she crawled through it.
It was finally time to go to bed. She put up a little bit of a fight but she was soon fast asleep
Perhaps if I didn’t take this picture, she wouldn’t have woken up and guilted me into taken her into our bed until she fell asleep again.
The end.