Monday afternoon 8.4.14:
Monitoring The childrens.
This is the battery operated, portable monitor that came in the camera/monitor set that I bought in the spring…yknow…to monitor the babies during naptime…which I never needed to do. I was about to pack it back up and give it to a friend who is about to have a baby and it occurred to me while running back and forth from the kitchen to my office/playroom that the monitor is not just for watching them sleep. I can watch them play and not burn dinner/lunch/breakfast at the same time since I no longer needed to leave the kitchen to check on them.
Except, of course, I almost burned dinner tonight because I was too busy watching Charlotte on the monitor. Lysander is just out of view because of where it have the jumperoo positioned in the room.
I can’t get over how crisp the video is. The sound is pretty good too.
So good, that I was paying more attention to dinner than the sounds of play. I figured if I heard a cry or scream I’d look at it.
I didn’t hear a cry or a scream. I heard laughter, watched charlotte walk out of range to play with her brother, babbling whatever wisdom to him she has…
I heard an “oooooooooooooooh” followed by another “ooooooooh”
I looked and saw this…
I’ve been compromised.
To the sprinklers! !!!!!!
I took her out of the stroller and she could hardly contain her excitement. .. but what does she do first? Check on her brother who fell fast asleep from the walk from the car to the town center sprinklers.
She was enjoying putting her hands in the Jets and splashing.
She walked back to me a few times as if she wasn’t sure what was going on
Then, without warning. ..the sprinklers skyrocketed in to the sky! !
After a few minutes the water settled down again.
It was at this point I noticed some kids were rubbing their red eyes so I decided it was time to go. Plus, it was thundering and even though she was wet, I didn’t plan on it myself.
Charlotte creeping around the neighbors yard” on YouTube
Charlotte likes my next door neighbors yard . :
Lysander and the carseat
So, I’ve noticed that zander is getting bigger. He’s pushed into 12 mo clothing and he’s only 5 months old. He’s got himself a nice double chin and jowls. Chubby thighs. And he’s so long now that when he falls asleep in Charlotte’s old carseat, his body relaxes and we can see just how tall he is getting.