Frog teether

All day yesterday she was putting everything she had her hands on in her mouth and chewing as best she could. I tried giving her the ring teether from the fridge while she relaxed in her swing…she didn’t like it. She was trying her hardest to chew the wings on her butterfly Freddie but she was getting more and more frustrated so I put her in her jumperoo. I found Alice in Wonderland on Netflix (the 1951 Disney version, not the new Johnny Depp one) and she was enthralled for about 20/30 minutes while I got some things done.

The jumperoo has this little rubbery frog teether attached to it by a thick red ribbon. I’ve handed it to her multiple times in the past but she’s never taken to it.

Well…she found it on her own, eyes glued to the TV.




I don’t know how I got anything done during this time because I think I watched her more than I cleaned the windows.


Barnes & Noble


5.26 BNN


Charlotte had her very first visit to the bookstore last night. Strapped snugly in her stroller, she was gnawing away on her hands as I pushed her through the doors. Her face lit up as she looked around at the lights above her. Slowly we walked around, in between the aisles of books, her eyes darting left and right. Every once in a while, she’d let out a delightful squeal as she took in her new surroundings.



4 month appt

Charlotte had her 4 month checkup yesterday.


Weight: 13 lbs 3.5 oz

Height: 25 inches

Percentile: 40th

Doc checked her out from head to toe. She is growing nicely, gaining weight, has wonderful head control and strong feet (whatever that means, lol).


May 15, 2013


Diamonds vs Puppies

I’d like to put to rest the rumor that diamonds are a girl’s best friend.

Otis usually naps on the far corner of the play mat while we do tummy time. Here he is yesterday, sound asleep after annihilating a paper towel while Charlotte practices her surfer girl stance during tummy time.



Today, however, Otis woke up. He woke up and ever so slowly, as to not frighten this little baby that he loves so much, inched his way closer and closer to Charlotte as she squealed in delight.

I’m glad I had the presence of mind to snap some pictures. This was a first so I wanted to have my hands free  just in case which I why there is no video. 🙁


Check out her little hand on his paw.



I am so annoyed that out of all the pictures the following is the one that blurred up on me. I swear they were looking at each other, dead in the eye.


I am positive that there will be no separating these two as she grows up.