As you saw above, lil miss Charlotte Liberty turns into quite the little impatient monster when I’m waiting for her carrots to cool.
Fortunately, give the monster the spoon and her fit is long gone
Napping: 7 total minutes of quiet until the pilot decided to update us on the turbulence on the plane ride back home
4 of Charlotte’s favorite toys: 5 minutes of quiet on the plane ride back home
25 minutes of baby song videos, all set to continously repeat: 15 minutes of quiet on the plane ride back home
1 airplane snack bag of Cheese Nips: almost an hour and a half of entertainment (in total between trying everything else I tried to entertain her) on the plane ride back back home.
The mini pretzel bag was not as entertaining
We’re home. I meant to post earlier. Charlotte did wonderfully on the flight back.