Quiet Sunday morning

This morning,  after a breakfast of scrambled eggs and a banana,  Charlotte explored the house for a bit before I sat her in her playpen so I could get ready to go grocery shopping.

She has been into her books lately…reading them vs chewing on them. She calls them “buhs”.

I was tying my sneakers when she stood up with one and proceeded to walk around the playpen with it, babbling as if she were reading it to me.


10 month milestones

As evidenced by the following pictures,   Charlotte has learned how to pull herself to standing all by herself without any assistance from any of us.

Yesterday,  she made me realize how cluttered my desk is during my work day amd that I also have to put child locks on those drawers.

On December 7, Charlotte bit my finger amd I am happy to report that her bottom teeth have broken through!

The few words she babbles are: uh oh (which she uses correctly when she drops something or hears something that sounds like it dropped), hey-ay (when she’s trying to get your attention and she’ll even wave at the same time) daadaadaaadaaa, mummummummm, among other sounds but the most surprisingly funny is she talks to the dogs. We’ve been calling it “barking” for that is what she’s trying to do but it’s more of an “ooh ooh” sound. I’ve noticed that if she’s making that sound and all the dogs are quiet,  she’s barking in response to the dogs next door. I’m hoping to catch it on video











